What the first few months feel like after graduating unemployed
Written By: Gen Nguyen | Read full profile
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Joke of the blog: What do you call an angry balloon?
It’s a hot, summer day in Texas, July 2020. Actually it’s a hot, summer day every day in Texas. I’m unemployed, and I no longer go to school so my daily schedule looks like this:
- Wake up at noon
- Get ready for my day (shower, brush my teeth, etc.)
- Eat lunch
- Go to work (video editing, filming, writing, etc.)
- Late afternoon nap
- Work more
- Procrastinate a little bit (play pokemon, smash bros, animal crossing, eat, watch youtube, etc.)
- Work a little more
- Go home around 9-10pm
- Eat dinner
- Watch Friends
- Stay up til 3-4am because of my insomnia and the way college has conditioned me to sleep
- Repeat 1-12
I graduated college and have been home for two months now (four if you count moving back home because of the pandemic). And I can’t help but think that I’m missing something.
Have I finished my assignment for Government yet? Have I turned in my lab report for organic chemistry lab? When is the deadline for Fall registration?
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I graduated so unnecessary thoughts like these don’t haunt me in my dreams and every waking moment of my summer “staycation” as I scramble for a job. And if I still don’t believe that I graduated, I have to look at the grad picture I took (on the homepage of our website). Looking at my diploma helps too, but it also reminds me that I’ve graduated with no job and no higher education.
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Usually every summer, I’m doing something productive whether it’s working at a job that pays me decent money, studying for classes, or prepping for the GRE. This is the first time in 4 years (since I graduated high school) that I’ve been home for longer than two weeks. Recently, I had a dream that I had to take my AP Stats exam and was panicking because I only had one day to study for it - definitely something my young, high school self would do. College forced me to study days (maybe even weeks if I had time) in advance.
But, anyways, I woke up in the middle of the night (or early morning for you early birds) at 5:30 am thinking if I had an upcoming exam to take or if there was something important I almost forgot to do. 16 years of schooling has traumatized me to believe that I have upcoming deadlines that I am forgetting.
So, that’s what the first few months of graduating and chilling at home has felt like for me: a freshly unemployed bum.
For anybody who is wondering, yes I am looking for jobs, going through application processes. But I’m hoping that this business takes off so I don’t have to deal with a 9-5 job that I don’t like! Your support is much appreciative, so thanks for sticking around to the end!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Answer: A hot air balloon
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