It's Good to be a Narcissist
Written By: Gen Nguyen | Read full profile
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There’s a fine line between being confident and being cocky. And then you have the narcissists. According to Dr. Google:
And according to my friends, I am apparently a narcissist. But I’m not the kind of narcissist who thinks the world revolves around me or thinks everything I do is perfect and important. Yes, I’ll look in the mirror and love myself (#LoveYourself ), but I’ll also love the work that I create and everything that I do because I am my own biggest critic. I need another side of me to hype me up when I’m feeling doubtful.
That’s why it’s good to be a narcissist. I’m not saying to be overbearing and only talk about yourself. Nobody wants to hear that. Remember there’s a fine line between being confident and cocky. I consider being a narcissist as an outlet to exude self-confidence.
Recently, I attended Love Coach Cat’s #IAmRemarkable workshop which empowered women to be confident in themselves and their abilities. One key thing I took away from it was a quote: “It’s not bragging if it’s facts.” There can be a lot of controversy to this but I believe it to be true. You went to Harvard? Great! You got a job at Google? Good for you! I’d be happy to share and be proud of your accomplishment! But, if you’re constantly bringing up that fact without it being asked or relevant to the conversation then yes, I’ll consider it bragging.
It’s good to know and be proud of your accomplishments! Go out there and tell the world! Sparingly of course (else it’s considered bragging). Don’t let someone else’s feelings and/or achievements make you feel less about yourself. You have the right to be proud of yourself and to show it. If you want to remain humble, that’s cool too, but you shouldn’t have to restrain yourself from expressing the great work you do.
So, yes, it’s good to be a narcissist. To love yourself AND your accomplishments.
Honestly, being a narcissist has helped me work, release content, and probably get out of bed without looking at my phone first. I have more confidence in the way I look and the content that I create because ➊ I don’t care what other people think and ➋ I know I’m going to grow into the kind of person I want to become. My narcissism was probably the drive that helped me really pursue this company, so it’s great!
Maybe not so great for my friends when we video chat. They complain that I look at myself too much and fix my hair all the time. BUT I’m just trying to look good for them too LOL.
It’s not good to be a narcissist if you do the following:
Put others down to boost yourself up
Only think about yourself (aka self-absorbed)
Aren’t willing to grow (because you think you are perfect which you are not)
Fun fact: the word, narcissist, was derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus. After seeing his reflection in a lake, he instantly fell in love with himself. He was so infatuated, he wanted to touch his reflection, but instead fell into the lake and died… I think that’s how the story went. Don’t quote me. And I guess not really fun either… but it’s interesting.
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